Engineering report
GASZNAK is a company specializing in production of warning signs, traffic indicators, and other signs.
Develop a mobile app for creating XLS-reports about the installation of the interlock system protecting company equipment from unauthorized access. The main objective was to automate reports generation as much as possible and reduce the number of errors.
We developed an app for Android letting the mobile engineers work in a single environment that enable them to fill in the data about each hazard, take photos of the completed tasks and generate XLS reports.
The main obstacle we face was the absence of the internet on the working sites. So we had to implement the reports generation on the user device.

This project was developed for inner use in a customer company and is not distributed through the market.
We published it as demonstration of our potential.
Компания ООО "Гравити Групп" успешно справилась с поставленными задачами, по автоматизации выполняемых работ инженерами нашей компании.
Было разработано мобильное приложение, которое позволило автоматизировать работу инженеров на объекте, снизило количество ошибок и повысило оперативность выполнения работ.