NOVATEK: Mobile controller
Mobile app for Novatek-Chelyabinsk
Develop a mobile app for gas maintenance engineers of Novatek-Chelyabinsk.
We developed a mobile app that automates gas maintenance engineers’ routine and features
quick and easy transfer of the subscribers’ meters readings to the billing system of the organization,
notification of the subscriber about the accruals for the consumed gas,
accruals and payments monitoring via subscriber’s personal account,
information about incoming requests, their fulfillment,
generation and forwarding of work acceptance requests to the billing system of the organization,
transfer of the engineers’ working hours data for further analysis,
subscriber information management.

This project was developed for inner use in a customer company and is not distributed through the market.
We published it as demonstration of our potential.
Настоящим письмом подтверждаем, что компания ООО "Гравити Групп" выполнила работы по проектированию и разработке мобильных приложений ООО "НОВАТЭК-Челябинск" и " Мобильной контролер" для ООО "НОВАТЭК-Челябинск". Работы были выполнены качественно и в срок.