Develop a mobile application for Android that unites a student, parents and teachers into a single student schedule, including general education, extracurricular activities, additional education
The project was implemented as a contract work for the DFS company
We have created an electronic diary for residents of the Perm Territory, which can be used by all participants in the educational process
- a uniform student schedule, including general education, extracurricular activities, additional education
- the ability to create homework by the teacher and attach the solved task by the student
- creating comments on student assessment in the e-journal
- creating a note about the absence of a student by a parent and a teacher
- functionality for changing the color scheme
- built-in library of educational materials

Благодарим команду Gravity Group за плодотворное сотрудничество в создании проекта в области разработки мобильного приложения Электронного журнала - Дневника Электронной пермской образовательной системы (ЭПОС).
В течение нашей совместной работы компания показала способность выполнить работы качественно и в срок, с полной ответственностью подходит к поставленным задачам.